Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Hi Everyone... Sorry for the lack of updates. Things in Miles World have obviously been very busy. We're having a great time though. Every day Miles seems to be changing and growing. His newest thing is smiling. He smiled in his sleep from day one, but now it's obvious that he's focusing on me or Brian or his Aunt Angela and grinning like crazy. It's VERY exciting! He's really just the cutest, sweetest little man.

A couple of weeks ago we had another hospital adventure. Pregnancy really did a number on my body, I tell ya... Because of gall stones brought on by the pregnancy and multiple attacks that landed me in the emergency room, I ended up having to get my gall bladder removed. I was really just getting over my C-section and now this... I tried to find other alternatives but it seemed that with my life the way it is now, I really couldn't live day to day wondering if I'd have another attack. It was the most practical option. I'm happy to say that although the recovery was hard for about a week or so, I'm feeling much better. My appetite is back with a vengeance and my body seems to be back on track.

Brian and I couldn't be happier. Miles seems to be a healthy, happy baby who is growing leaps and bounds. He's very strong and holds his head up all by himself and stands with a little help from mom or dad. I think he's going to be walking fairly early, God help us... I can't imaging how we'll ever baby-proof our house. It's going to be an adventure...

Brian, Miles and I send out Lots of LOVE to everyone reading this. We'll keep you posted!


At 3:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Tina, Brian, & Mr. Miles...
oh my goodness, is there anything cuter in the world than Miles in the springtime? He is sooo handsome, and looks like he already has some tales to tell (if only he could talk!)
Anyway, we promise to come visit soon. Looks like things are great.
Love, Laura

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Corie said...

I love that he is "walking"!!!!! The doctor said that standing business is a 4 month old trick. As for the picture magic... my secret is picasa, http://picasa.google.com/, it rocks and it is free. It is a photo organizing and editing program. You can use it to post pictures to your blogger account (because they are all owned by google, so the interface is a piece of cake), make picture movies and do cool contact sheets like Liams.

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhh i love your adorable baby! In fact the whole family is just too damn cute. I am glad that you are on the road to recovery. I can't wait to see Miles's smiles and rolls up close and personal.

Much love,
Annie & Josh & Zara


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