Tuesday, February 28, 2006

le scoop

Here's the latest...

Thursday night, I go to the hospital. They'll give me a drug called Cervadil which will...wait for it...ripen my cervix. Then, they will knock me out until the morning, at which time, I'll be woken up and given Pitocin which should begin labor. They expect me to progress through out the day and hopefully have the baby by the evening (if not before.) If it doesn't seem to be progressing at a rate they want, they'll stop the Pitocin and let me sleep. Saturday morning, they'll start the whole process again, this time pulling out all the stops by doing things like breaking my water (if it hasn't already broken) and other things that I'm unaware of. Unfortunately, this means that I can't leave the hospital so, if we go into Saturday night SANS Mr. Baby, they will have to do a C-Section............. Let's all hope it doesn't come to that. I'm trying not to even let it enter my head too much, and I'm trying not to focus on how basically unnatural this process is, but it seems to be the consensus that it's necessary. Also, as I've made perfectly clear to anyone within earshot, I can't take much more of this pregnancy business. Three more weeks (and possibly more if I was late) of the itching and the insomnia and the 2-in-the-morning indigestion attacks and the not being able to tie your own shoes.....and they might be fitting me for a maternity-sized straight jacket. So, I suppose this is really best. I've been having lots of contractions (little ones) all day, so this is a good sign. Also, the little guy is squirming around in there and letting me know that he's doing just fine, so everything is looking very positive. In the next couple of days, I will try to sleep a lot, drinks lots of water, eat good food (including some Hagen Daz coffee toffee bars,) and go on a nice walk. Thursday, we'll go for dinner right before we head to the hospital, effectively bidding farewell to our childless life.......

Cross your fingers, say a prayer, do some nice chanting.......whatever it is you do......that all goes well and as it should. Much love to you all.


Monday, February 27, 2006

-and The Boppy makes a lovely hat...

Friday, February 24, 2006

Prep time!

we're getting the house ready for Mr. baby's arrival........ Brian put the new changing table together...and now if we could only find a place for all of the rest of the STUFF........

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Belly 2 1/2 Months Apart: A Comparison

Looking at these two pictures, from 5 1/2 months to 8 months, I guess the little guy really has grown. People tell me all the time that either a) I don't look pregnant, or b) my belly is very small. I was starting to get a bit of a complex, so it's nice to see the growth there. If I've learned anything in these past months, no two pregnancies are exactly the same. I currently have 4 other friends who are pregnant (well, one of them has JUST had her baby) and all of our pregnancies have been totally different and our bodies look different as well. It's fascinating.......

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Thanks to everyone who came to the shower, as well as those of you who sent along your good wishes from across the country. Brian and I had a great time and were blown away by everyone's love and generosity... I'll post some more pictures in the coming days as I get them.

Check back for baby updates in the coming weeks.....

Lots - o - Love,


WOW... an 8 month belly

I know... For the uninitiated, it's a tad bit frightening, but there you have it. I think it's safe to say, I'm ready for Mr. Baby to enter the world, as my tummy is stretched to full capacity!